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Episode 51 - Two Roads | Closing Exhortations - Part 1
We’re closing in on the end of the Sermon on the Mount now, and it’s all coming together here. Like any good sermon, we have a closing and a call to action; but, it’s such a different ending than you and I may be accustomed to and it was certainly different for His hearers. He’s calling them to listen to Him. He’s not like any other teacher in the way He points so squarely to Himself as the ultimate authority.
What makes Jesus our best judge and hope?
We’re going to explore this question; but, as we do, I believe we will see it is inexorably linked with how difficult His call to action is. And we’ll start here. We’re going to do a few different things in these next episodes. First, we’re going to read the rest of the chapter for context. We want you to hear how each part is connected. Then, we’re going to focus, as we’ve been doing, on the various pieces that make the whole.
Scripture Referenced:
Matthew 7:13-29
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