The Word of God
2 Peter 1:20-21
Q. Where did the Bible come from?
Men wrote the Bible, as they were “carried along” (meaning “directed” or “led”) by the Holy Spirit.
Q. Do you believe the Bible is the Word of God?
I. The Purpose of the Word of God
2 Timothy 3:16-17
Again, we see that the Bible comes from the mind and mouth of God. It is a “trustworthy” source of truth.
Q. What is the Bible useful for?
Teaching, reproof, correction and training, to equip us for every good work.
The Word of God ministers to every part of our life such as marriage, work, relationships, making decisions, etc.
Q. What role do you think the Bible should play in your life?
1 Timothy 4:15-16
The way we live and what we teach are both necessary for salvation. Illustration: A plane must have both wings to fly.
Likewise, we need to know and believe the correct teaching, and to live out these truths.
Q How can you know you are following the right doctrine/teachings in your life?
Q. How can you know you are living the life of a follower of God?
Romans 10:17
Reading the Word of God produces faith. The more we read, the more our faith grows and understands God.
Q. How can you plan to begin reading the Bible daily?
II. The Power of the Word of God
Hebrews 4:12-13
Q. What does the Word of God do?
The Word of God is not boring, but relevant, living and active.
It has the power to remove what is wrong with our life like a surgeon’s knife removes unhealthy tissue.
It has power to go inside us and transform us. It can change our spirit, mind, emotions and will.
Q. Which one of these characteristics of the Word of God stands out to you? Why?
John 8:31-32
Note that Jesus is speaking to people who already believe in him.
Q. What do these two scriptures tell us?
Intellectual belief is not enough.
One must hold to the truth to be a true disciple and to be set free.
Sincerity is not truth for one can be sincerely wrong.
We need to hold the truths of the Word of God close to our heart and be committed to following them.
Q. Are you willing to begin the journey of holding to the truths in the Word of God to truly be set free?
III. The Priority of the Word of God
Matthew 15:1-9
Q. What is Jesus saying about traditions?
Religious traditions, or cultural practices can hinder us from following Jesus.
Examples of religious traditions could be prioritizing the teaching of pastors, parents, friends, denominations, etc. over the Word of God. This can make our worship of God pointless and empty.
Q. Are you willing to examine any religious traditions you may have?
Acts 17:10-12
Q. What attitude did the Bereans display?
They had eagerness for they examined the scriptures daily.
They had a personal pursuit of truth for they did not blindly accept what religious leaders were saying.
Q. The Bereans are described as “noble.” What do you think “noble” means?
The definition is “having or showing fine personal qualities or high moral principles and ideals.”
Q. Do you want to be “noble” in God’s eyes by pursuing truth for your life?
John 12:47-48
Q. By what are we going to be judged?
The words of Jesus as found in the Bible. Jesus came to save, but his words will judge us.
Are you willing to build your faith on what the Bible says? Do you believe your faith in the Bible is
Imitate the Bereans and read the Bible every day to form solid convictions.
Big Idea
The Bible is God’s Word and it is God’s standard for your life. It is worthy of your time and devotion. Key word: “trustworthy”